We offer the simplest way to solve your holiday pay problems
We combine specialist holiday pay knowledge with our smart recalculation tool to take the time, hassle and confusion out of remediating holiday pay issues in your payroll.
You’ll work with an experienced adviser who will provide guidance and support to help you identify, resolve and recalculate your holiday pay issues. We’ll then help you set up your business to manage leave entitlements accurately going forward.
Avoid compliance blind spots.
Choose a solution that works for you.
Our solutions are scalable for any number of employees, so work for a range of businesses, budgets and requirements. While our pricing is fixed, it does depend on the complexity of your business and the number of employees.
Complete Resolve Solution
Achieve ultimate peace of mind with our most comprehensive solution. We’ll help you identify holiday pay issues, establish a framework for application and undertake the recalculations necessary to resolve prior issues.
Our Complete Solution includes payroll internal audits, payroll reconfiguration recommendations and recalculations.
This solution is ideal for businesses who want full access to experienced advisers to guide them through the complexity that is holiday pay.
✓ Complete holiday pay review of your payroll configuration and employment contracts
✓ Detailed issue identification and recommended changes report
✓ Detailed recalculations
See how we helped this community healthcare organisation review and recalculate calculations, and
reduce their exposure to risk.
Recalcuation only solution
Outsource the process and lengthy manual time commitment involved in completing the necessary recalculations. You provide the framework for recalculations, and we’ll take care of the rest.
This service is particularly suited to a business who has access to their own human resource services or holiday pay advisers, but who don’t have the time or knowledge to manage the recalculation process themselves.
Once you and/or your advisers complete a holiday pay review, we recalculate for you.
✓ Fast, configurable results
✓ Ability to process 1000s of employees
✓ Accuracy
✓ Calculations based on the relevant legislation
✓ Detailed auditable results
✓ Ability to test different hypotheses and deal with data inaccuracies & insufficiencies
What People Are Saying
Payroll data analytics
You know there are things that you can’t figure out in your payroll, but aren’t quite sure how to find them. That’s where we come in. We are experienced with payroll analytics and experts in data. We can assess all sorts of payroll data quickly and effectively to identify anomalies and help you better manage and be compliant with your payroll.
We can perform data analysis such as
✓ Casual employee management
✓ Employee work pattern analysis
✓ Minimum contractual hours
✓ Visa hour requirements
✓ Use of payment codes
We can process data from any payroll system.
Our proprietary ResolvePay software, HART, is what sets our service apart from the rest
We developed our Holidays Act Remediation Tool (HART) as a smarter way to quickly, effectively and accurately recalculate holiday pay entitlements.
It takes the grunt work out of identifying nuances in your data and assessing multiple leave scenarios - including annual leave, domestic violence, bereavement, alternate day, public holidays and sick leave.
We can process data from any payroll system and recalculate leave for any number of employees, taking into account all working arrangements.
Get tailored support
If you’re unsure of what help you need, or just need some guidance as you work through the holiday pay remediation process yourself, our Holiday Act experts can provide bespoke support when you need it.
✓ Employment agreement reviews for holiday clauses
✓ Templates for communication with employees
✓ Process documentation templates
✓ Support setting up supporting payroll processes for compliance
✓ Holiday pay training
✓ Regular health checks
✓ Advice and support in transitioning, implementing or configuring new payroll systems compliantly
Looking for advice as an employee?
We’re unable to advise individuals in relation to Holiday Pay. If you have concerns about leave entitlements owed to you as an employee, you’ll need to chat to your manager in the first instance, or an HR or legal professional, or get in touch with your local Citizen’s Advice Bureau.