Holiday Pay remediation advice
for small businesses
We offer specialist holiday pay advice to small businesses.
Review your payroll compliance and get support for managing recalculations.
Small businesses also struggle to get their head around the nuances of the Holiday Act.
We’ve created a small business-budget friendly option that is ideal for businesses (50 employees or less) who want assurance that they’re taking the steps necessary to meet Holiday Act compliance. This option offers you support and guidance in reviewing your current payroll compliance and managing recalculations.
Get support tailored to what you need
If you’re unsure of what help you need, or just need some guidance as you work through the holiday pay remediation process yourself, our Holiday Act experts can provide bespoke support when you need it. This could include:
Employment agreement reviews for holiday clauses
Templates for communication with employees
Process documentation templates
Support setting up supporting payroll processes for compliance
Holiday pay training
Regular health checks
Advice and support in transitioning, implementing or configuring new payroll systems compliantly